border="0" width="1" height="1"> MALENA canta el TANGO. Yo trato de bailarlo...: Tango Junkie (Adicto al Tango)...

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Tango Junkie (Adicto al Tango)...

En la Internet hay una lista que yo adoro de
cómo saber que te has vuelto un Adicto al Tango (Tango Junkie).
Acá van los top ten...
1. You know who Carlos Gardel is
2. You've sold or moved most of your furniture to give yourself practice space
3. Your wardrobe is predominantly black
4. You no longer have parties at your house; you host milongas
5. You have developed a healthy fear of foot injuries
6. Your fantasy travel destination is Buenos Aires
7. You practice your balance - and sometimes boleos - when waiting to cross the street
8. When you realize the milonga is where you see all your friends
9. You swear you will quit this crazy dance, and are back at the next milonga
10. You've danced with one of the biggies and survived
Para ver la lista completa: Tango Pulse


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